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"Yuga Aoyama “Can't Stop Twinkling” ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Yuga Aoyama “Can't Stop Twinkling” เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISFP ใน mbti, 4w3 - so/sp - 479 ใน Enneagram, SLUAN ใน Big 5, EIE ใน Socionics"

Alright since my comment got deleted (given, fairly), I'll elaborate on why I think he's a Fi-dom: Aoyama's main conflict stems from how he fits within the world around him, specifically how he can prove himself as a worthy hero. It proves to be a rather difficult feat, given the innate talent his classmates and other aspiring or pro-heroes seem to demonstrate, and how he juxtaposes that by having an ability that is rather... well, hard to make the most of, to put it nicely. Not only is his quirk not rather versatile, it has the added sting of it pretty much handicapping him if utilized too much or for too long. To be blunt, his quirk, and by extension himself within BNHA's established society isn't remarkable. This is an absolute nightmare scenario for Fi-doms, especially ISFPs. Being unable to establish oneself as an individual that differs from the masses is a core conflict for ISFPs. BNHA's population is mostly made up of people who have quirks, however only those with deemed useful quirks have a chance to pursue careers as heroes. It's fair to say that most of the civilian class is made up of people who are either quirkless or have quirks that can't be utilized well in a hero's profession. Aoyama could have easily fit into the masses without much, if any, pressure from others or himself to pursue being a hero. But he actively decides that he WANTS to be a hero, at a rather early age too, from what I recall. He adorns himself in flashy clothes and behaves in exuberant manners because he WANTS to separate himself from the masses, and he wants to feel like he has a defined identity as a hero. But unlike other students such as Kirishima and Bakugo, his quirk alone isn't enough, not anywhere near enough for him to establish that identity. His Se is always, ALWAYS there to support his Fi, not the other way around. Sorry if this sounds rambly, I haven't been caught up since his interaction with Izuku during (before? after? idk) the gentle criminal arc. I've been thinking about him a bit lately though, and remembered liking his character quite a bit but never really thought about why. I feel like his lack of popularity irl from fans is a kinda sad reflection of his struggle to maintain a defined sense of self within BNHA's society chock full of poweful and charismatic heroes.


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