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  3. James Bond Film Series

James Bond (Connery) tipo de personalidade mbti

James Bond (Connery) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es James Bond (Connery)? James Bond (Connery) es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 7w8 - sp/so - 783 en enneagram, SCOEI en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

THE ESTP OF ESTPS Probably one of the most dominant physics type I've ever seen in my life. Everything about him is about the physical, tangible, and sensory. He's always seeking pleasures in life and trying to have fun in the most dangerous of situations. However, this guy is kind of an archetype of masculinity from a long time ago, and this archetype has now changed. It doesn't mean he isn't cool anymore, but each Bond has always adapted towards a newer sense of masculinity or a different interpretation of it. A list of things Bond likes to do and is good at - Have sex with tons of beautiful women - Easily good with weapons, fighting, and marksmanship - Charming, very present in the moment, can make witty comments - Adaptable to the environment using whatever he can from it - Smoking - Fashionable - Drinking - Playing Poker The list goes on and on, but in general, anything that requires physical work, he just is automatically good at.


MI6 agent 007 (James Bond), as played by actor Sean Connery. Connery appears as Bond in six films: Dr. No (1962), From Russia with Love (1963), Goldfinger (1964), Thunderball (1965), You Only Live Twice (1967), and Diamonds Are Forever (1971), as well as the non-canon film Never Say Never Again (1983), which is a remake of Thunderball.

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