Finland MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Finland? Finland is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 296 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Gonna be honest, I definitely think Finland is INFP. He's introverted to some degree, it's just because of the context we see him most often (which is with the other nordics) which makes him look quite extroverted. but, if you put him next to denmark or america you'd see the Introverted side pretty quickly. Introverts can be social too, actually which i guess thats why he is 'so 'as well. Introversion isnt just being shy and scared of everything, and extraversion isnt running off screaming in crowds. Its just what helps a person recharge after being busy. We see with all (Barring Denmark) of the Nordics, they enjoy their alone time. Finland isnt an exception to that rule, he is just more sociable than the others. my only question for this is sx. Could someone explain how this fits him? Maybe I need to rewatch hetalia but I'm personally unsure on that one. i cant tell what the reasons are for most of these votes honestly. but I can say I think he fits INFP pretty well, and I just wanted to clear up the 'I' for anyone who was voting ENFP. i dont have much else to say, since ive not seen hetalia in a while, but i did want to add some of my own input here because I personally adore Finland. It was also fun to find out he shares some of the same types as me, though i could personally argue against sx being there for him. I'll be back at some point after rewatching scenes with him in in Hetalia because i wanna take a closer look at him xD for now im giving him a INFP so/sp, since i think that is more fitting? I'd go on to explain, but i have to go to college


Finland (フィンランド, Finrando) is a side character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. In 2008, Himaruya gave human names to some of the characters and he received the name Tino Väinämöinen (ティノ・ヴァイナマイネン, Tino Vainamainen). He is part the Nordic countries

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