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Emi Shinohara MBTI Personality Type

Emi Shinohara MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Emi Shinohara? Emi Shinohara is an personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Emiko "Emi" Shinohara (born 8 August 1963) is a veteran seiyu who is most celebrated as Makoto Kino of Sailor Moon. She is usually typecasted as Action Girl in her early years, but later diverged to moms, Yamato Nadeshiko, and even Ax-Crazy women like Ophelia in Claymore. She is married to Hiroshi Watari, a Tokusatsu actor, and also voice roles in that genre. She's close friends with Rika Fukami, as they worked together in Sailor Moon and have the exact same birthday. Her blood type, like Mako's, is O.

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