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  2. โทรทัศน์
  3. Wednesday (2022)

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Eugene Ottinger ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Eugene Ottinger เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INFP ใน mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 954 ใน Enneagram, RLUAI ใน Big 5, EII ใน Socionics"

About the ENFP vs INFP shtick, I say that the Inferior function is the determinant to differentiate one over the other. Ne dominance with an Si inferior shows either a push and pull preference between IMMEDIATE ideation of objective data, focusing on the environment and anything in the external world that inspires the exploration of connections and possibilities in real time. There is an unequal usage to rely onto their own concrete profiling to verify their Ne if it's actions are too much from how the subject carefully modeled its own ideal reality. Either way, Si inferior would manifest in both repression and obsession. They look at Si general structure of reality as a prison, that their Ne is too much exploring the abstract potentials of the environment. Inferior Si felt like another side of them that is unknown that felt a very obsession on their own sensory impressions, making them look like they are experiencing an epileptic episode of being obsessed with details. Eugene isn't the type of person that seeks What if most of the time in the show. Always seeking a NEW interpretation or perspective, in the process changing what the situation is in acutality. He is also not STRONGLY multi-angular in a sense that he doesn't engage in his environment too much just for the purpose of gathering NEW ideas and concepts all the time. He's actually a person who just goes straight to the heart of danger for the sake of proving his personal values. He doesn't entertain many angles as often as an Ne dom would, he's actually decisive which Ji doms are most likely to do. Id say he uses his Ne to support his Fi emotional responses and feeling tones instead. Expanding with the purpose of gathering random facts about bees, giving himself hope even though there's 00.1 possibility of Enid ever asking her out.


The quirky president of Nevermore Academy's beekeeping club

โทรทัศน์ อักขระคล้ายกับ Eugene Ottinger
