Beast Boy MBTI 성격 유형


"Beast Boy은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Beast Boy은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - so/sx - 729, big 5의 SCUAI, socionics의 IEE입니다."

I changed my vote from ESFP to ENFP after rewatching a handful of episodes. I understand the ESFP votes because in my distant memory of the show, I remembered Beast Boy as easily bored, always wanting to go have fun or take a vacation - based on these vague images, it was easy to think he had been written as a stereotypical ESFP. I wonder if this is the reason for his ESFP typing. A lot of people may also remember him as the pleasure-seeking comic relief always wanting new physical experiences. However, rewatching even a small part of the show made me pretty convinced he is Ne-dom, not Se-dom. Beast Boy is always wanting to brainstorm, and the conclusions he comes to are often out-there. For example, in the episode 'Apprentice Part 2', after the Titans witness Robin working for Slade, Beast Boy says, "The way I see it, there are only two logical explanations. One, Robin's been replaced by an evil robot devil. Two, he's been another victim of zombie mind control." Raven and Cyborg logically disprove this. Raven would've sensed if something was controlling his mind. Cyborg's scanners confirm Robin's biometrics, proving that the person they saw was indeed the real Robin. The others conclude that something has led Robin to betray them, but they don't know what it is. How does Beast Boy respond? "Three words - disgruntled radioactive clone." In ‘Fear Itself’, when a monster attacks Titan’s Tower after the team watched a scary movie, the Titans quickly conclude that the villain Control Freak is behind it. But beforehand, Beast Boy voices his own theory. “From where did it come?” asks Starfire. “HELLO! Isn’t it obvious? The movie’s cursed! Watching it opened a portal to another dimension! The monster came through the portal and now it’s going to hunt us down and eat us! And I’m probably delicious!” “Or,” Cyborg says, looking irritated. In 'The End Part 1' Beast Boy notices that Raven hasn't called him stupid all day and wonders if someone replaced her with a robot. In 'Troq' something makes the tower shake. Beast Boy thinks giant worms could be behind it. "Uh, don't think so," Raven replies. I also think the episode 'Crash' shows some signs that he is Ne-dom. When the Titans look for a way to simply repair Cyborg after he's infected with a virus, Beast Boy's idea is to “shrink down to the size of an amoeba and get inside him.” Someone else has the same idea - Gizmo, another Ne-dom. Even some things that make Beast Boy seem like he's using Se are actually more indicative of Ne in my opinion. Such as his obsession with getting a moped. It might seem like an Se-dom seeking the thrill of a physical experience, but Beast Boy doesn't seem to focus much on engaging with the sensory aspects of riding a moped, such as feeling the wind in his hair or the thrill of the moment, but instead has this dreamy belief that getting a moped will solve all of his problems. It will magically make him seem cooler to everyone around him, have better luck with girls, and in one episode he even daydreams about how it will make him have better luck on the battlefield, and still believes this even after Robin points out that this is illogical since he can transform into animals that can run fast and fly. After Robin and Cyborg both deny his requests to help him get one, he vents to Raven, but instead of simply saying how mad he is at them for rejecting his idea, he says, "I'm telling you - it's a conspiracy!" While I don't yet have much of an argument for his low Si, it could be argued that it's evident in his love of rewatching/rereading things, and also his tendency to compare everything to some story he loves. I've known a lot of Si-users, even those who are Si inferior, to possess this trait, just as I've known a lot Se-users who have little interest in rewatching or rereading something they've already experienced. While this certainly isn't always the case, the way Beast Boy compares reality to fiction that he has watched repeatedly ("I've seen every episode of this show like 300 times" -quote from 'Don't Touch That Dial') as if he believes the info he has gathered from fiction can help him solve real world problems, seems very Ne+Si. As in, he has read comics about mind control and zombies and therefore believes that something like that could be happening to Robin. Or in ‘Fear Itself’, he constantly thinks back to his favorite horror films to decide on strategy. “Did you not SEE the movie?” He says, before insisting that the team doesn’t split up because in a horror movie he likes, this leads to the characters being eliminated one at a time. He is also certain he will be eliminated first, because in all of the movies he likes, the “funny guy goes first”. These are just some thoughts I had while watching random episodes of the show. If I end up watching more, I might update this comment to add any new points I notice. I’d be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on Beast Boy's type, so please feel free to share.


The son of two scientists studying wildlife in Africa, Beast Boy was infected as a child with a mysterious disease, the experimental cure for which gave him the ability to turn into any animal, but permanently dyed him green. His parents drowned in a boating accident — Beast Boy being too inexperienced to save anyone but himself — and he was subsequently adopted by the Doom Patrol. It wasn't a stable family, and Beast Boy subsequently ran away after he hit puberty. Beast Boy is the unofficial comedian of the team, though most of his teammates consider his typical array of jokes and pranks to be pretty groan-worthy, and it's implied that, like his comics counterpart, he's one of the "jokes to hide the pain inside" types. Whether he is or isn't, he is the youngest, in terms of behavior, of the team, obsessed with video games and goofing off, which means he's often chewed out by Robin. A devout vegetarian: as he has been just about every animal under the sun, he finds eating any kind of meat to be too similar to cannibalism for his liking. (Though it might be more accurate to a call him a vegan- he eats tofu eggs rather than regular ones in "Nevermore"- but the show always refers to him as a vegetarian.)
