Jason Momoa tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Jason Momoa? Jason Momoa adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 728 di enneagram, SCUAN dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

ESTP for sure. He is a little more BS and straight-shooter than emotional improvisation (ESTP > ESFP). And for anyone willing to be open to visual ID, his facial features resemble an ESTP more: The more relaxed glare in his eyes and the shape of his nose, which is more pointy. This is what Charlie Sheen (also ESTP) would look like giving an interview if he had a big beard and wasn't on tiger blood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KVJ8cT-H2Y And more masculine than an ESFP would appear, chatting about his "bros" and "buddies."


Joseph Jason Namakaeha Momoa (born August 1, 1979) is a Kānaka-American actor, model, and producer. He is known for his television roles as Ronon Dex on the military science fiction television series Stargate Atlantis (2004–2009), Khal Drogo in the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones (2011–2012), and as Declan Harp in the Netflix series Frontier (2016–present).

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