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  2. Anime e mangá
  3. Made in Abyss

Srajo tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Srajo? Srajo es un tipo de personalidad en mbti, 8w9 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, LSE en Socionics."

Srajo has a strong SE, goes direct to action and speaks Bluntly. We see her logic Aux Ti on her quick conclusions and driving her SE into some decisions which may be logical, but not the most efficient. She tries to keep her squad united and cares of them preparing a stew. She is not putting so much pressure on Tepaste to skeap or confess as she is not completely sure is a spy from the priestess. Her inf Ni would be partially developed as she has plans for short terms and a purpose on all the trip defined, but the step by step or overall plan is not set.


Srajo "The Obscure", is a legendary White Whistle Delver of the Abyss. Since she is a White Whistle, she is presumed to have made amazing discoveries within the pit and retrieved Artifacts that have changed the world. Like most White Whistle Delvers, she settled on the 5th layer and lived there for some time, since it is the last point of the Abyss where it is possible to return alive.

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