Inej Ghafa MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Inej Ghafa? Inej Ghafa is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 694 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

It's a testament to how incredible Amita Suman is for bringing the true essence of Inej to life. I was worried that, like Kaz, she'd be typed differently from her book counterpart. I'm glad that she isn't. Inej is a glaring Fi dominant. She has such strong beliefs that is rooted in her upbringing and her religion. It's what makes her such a good character and what sets her apart from the rest of the Crows. It's unfortunate that Kaz's type has changed with the show (he went from an ENTJ to an INTJ). The change in their dynamic is obvious. With Kaz's Fi no longer his inferior, we don't see that clash as much.


As Kaz Brekker's right-hand woman, Inej (Portrayed by #AmitaSuman) is as feared as Kaz himself. Of Suli background and raised as an acrobat, Inej uses her catlike reflexes and incredible grace to be the Dregs' master spy. She can get into any room, scale any wall, infiltrate any building, thus earning the nickname The Wraith in Ketterdam's criminal circles. She travels to Ravka along with Kaz and Jesper to capture the Sun Summoner, though in doing so, Inej discovers that her beliefs contradict the mission.
