Affectionate (Thinkers) MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Affectionate (Thinkers)? Affectionate (Thinkers) is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 278 in Enneagram, in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

ESTP does NOT correlate purely with SLE. MBTI and socionics address different things. This is yet another instance of lazy, magical thinking from members of this community, who lack a deep, nuanced understanding of the systems. I would have to agree that yes, ESTP is the most affectionate thinker, but that does not mean that SLE is the most affectionate sociotype. Let's take a look at what makes up an SLE. SLE with prominent Se-base, Si-ignoring and negativist Fi polr? No way fam. This combo makes somebody very resistant to softer feelings. ILE is a better vote but barely (yes Fi-polr but Alpha Quadra values are laidback and welcoming - preferring to keep things open and comfortable), SLI is a better vote and probably the best (Si base + Fi mobilizing), even LSI is a better vote (similar strengths and weaknesses with SLI even if the values are not aligned - bound to have some overlap). SLEs can be affectionate from an expressiveness standpoint (depends on your definition of affection tbh) but we are certainly not the most. As for the most affectionate logical type, SLI. Si base and Fi mobilizing go a long way. These are by far the softest and most fragile elements in the socion. Not to mention that a vast majority of SLIs are 9w8 which opens the door for plenty of potential to be affectionate.

