Kiwi Araga MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Kiwi Araga? Kiwi Araga is an personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 268 in Enneagram, SCUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

She seems like the typical entitled, envious ESI SX4 with insecure volition to me; where's the giving-to-get nature of E2 in her, let alone the passion of false abundance? E2s are inherently others-centered, constantly giving away their love to many spheres of influence (SO2s with promises and flowery ambitions, SX2s with singular flattery and provocation, and SP2s with a soft of neurotic giddiness by being sweet and doing essential favors by default; this subtype is "anti-pride" pride, displaying a mixed overt-covert narcissism in the process) She's not particularly prideful, either; I think that's a byproduct of her attention-seeking tendencies brought about via her envy for Tres Magia. Se base is kinda understanable, but Fi-base fits her better in terms of how she frames her relationship with TM and everyone else not associated with Enomeeta.


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